This document (hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Policy”) is intended to regulate the use of the website that COSELVA - AGRÍCOLA I SECCIÓ DE CRÈDIT DE LA SELVA DEL CAMP, SCCL (hereinafter, “COSELVA”) which can be accessed at

The intellectual property rights of this website, its source code, databases and any other elements contained in it are property of COSELVA, who is responsible for the exclusive exploitation of the rights of the website itself and, especially, those of reproduction, distribution, public communication, maintenance and modification.

The use of the website by a third party is subject to the condition of user and implies the complete acceptance of each and every one of the conditions for users, established in this Privacy Policy


The user agrees to use the website, its content and services in accordance with the Law as well as according to this Privacy Policy, good practices and public order. The user also accepts not to use the website or its services for any illegal ___purposes or effects  contrary to the content of this Privacy Policy, which could harm interests or rights of third parties, or that could, by any mean, damage, disable or deteriorate the website , its services or prevent a successful use of the website for  other users. 

The user expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, disable or, in any other way, damage the data, programs, electronic documents or any other elements in this website. The user undertakes not to hinder the access to the service of other users by means of the massive consumption of resources through which COSELVA provides the service, as well as not to carry out actions that damage, interrupt or generate errors in such systems. The user undertakes not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, mini applications, controls of any kind or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or may cause any type of alteration in the systems of COSELVA or any third parties or, where appropriate, violate their intellectual or industrial property rights. 

The user agrees not to misuse the information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and / or image files, photographs, programs and, in general, any kind of material accessible through this website or the services offered. It is not allowed, except in the cases in which COSELVA expressly authorises it, to establish links from portals or webs of third parties, to web pages of COSELVA, different from the main page, accessible at the URL ; neither is it possible to present the web pages of COSELVA or the information they contain under frames, distinctive signs, trademarks, social or commercial names of another person, company or entity.


This web site and all its contents, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, databases, computer programs, as well as logos, trademarks, trade names and other distinctive signs are property of COSELVA or third parties who have authorised its use. All rights reserved.


  • Responsibility of COSELVA for the use of the web. The user is the only responsible for the infractions that may be incurred and the damages that may be caused using this website. COSELVA is exempt from any liability that may arise from the actions of the user. The user will be the only responsible for any claim or legal action, judicial or extrajudicial, initiated by third parties against COSELVA, based on the use of the website by the user. If this is the case, the user will assume all expenses, costs and compensations that are claimed to COSELVA due to claims or legal actions.
  • Responsibility of COSELVA for the operation of the web.
  •  This website has been reviewed and tested to function correctly and so the correct daily operation can be guaranteed. However, the possibility that circumstances may occur cannot be ruled out, such as programming errors, service interruptions, maintenance tasks, or events that are beyond its control, such as force majeure causes, natural catastrophes, actions of hackers or crackers, or similar circumstances that make it impossible to access the website.
  • Responsibility of COSELVA for links from the website.
  • From the website, you may be redirected to third-party content. Given that COSELVA cannot always control the contents introduced by third parties in its website, COSELVA does not take any responsibility for those contents. In all cases, when a link could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, the redirection link to those websites will be immediately withdrawn and relevant authorities will be informed about those contents.


In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD 2016/679) and Law 3/2018, of December 5th , about Protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights, COSELVA informs users that the personal data they provide when filling out the forms or contract requirements, will be treated by COSELVA in order to be able to provide and inform about the services or about the products that COSELVA offers, as well as to respond to the users requests and / or inquiries. filling out a form in the website implies that the user recognises that the information and personal data stated belong to the user, are truthful, updated and accurate.


  • Commercial name: COSELVA
  • NIF / CIF: F-43012442
  • Address: C/ Major, 50, 43470 - LA SELVA DEL CAMP
  • Email:
  • Cooperative registration number 197
  • Activity: Agricultural Cooperative with Credit Section. Online store.
  • For the purposes of what has been provided at the General Data Protection Regulations (RGPD 2016/679), the personal data you provide us through the forms in the website will receive the data treatment of “Users of the web”.


We handle the personal data of our contacts, users, customers, partners and suppliers to manage the commercial relationship with our organisation and particularly, contractual aspects, processing information of our entity and the sector, the organisation of activities, campaigns or events and informative and commercial communications (also electronically).



The personal data will be kept for a period of 5 years in accordance with current tax regulations and, where applicable, for 10 years according to the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. In any case, COSELVA will keep your personal data, if necessary, for the provision of services contracted, unless it is requested to delete them. However, data will be kept for the necessary period  as to comply with the corresponding legal obligations according to the type of data and the purpose of obtaining them.


The legal basis for processing your data is in most cases the existence of a prior contract with AGRICOLA I SECCIÓ DE CREDIT SANT JOSEP SCCL or in its absence, the express consent of the user, granted in the forms that can be filled in as well as in the placed orders.

To contact or make comments in this website, consent is required with this privacy policy.

The prospective or commercial offer of products and services is based on the requested consent but, in any case, the withdrawal of this consent would condition the execution of the service subscription contract, for example, in the credit section case.


The data can only be communicated to organisations linked to COSELVA for the management of their products and / or services with the same purposes referred to above, as well as to those relevant Public Administrations when required by current regulations. 

COSELVA - AGRÍCOLA I SECCIÓ DE CRÈDIT DE LA SELVA DEL CAMP, SCCL cannot guarantee the absolute impregnability of the Internet network and therefore the violation of data through fraudulent access to them by third parties, and cannot assume any responsibility for these attacks. The staff of COSELVA may access your data according to each of the purposes of the treatment and with the objectives described in this Privacy Policy. All employees of COSELVA have been trained and informed about their responsibilities in this regard and have signed the corresponding confidentiality agreement. Likewise, those organisations which are necessary for the proper management of the provision of the service, such as, for example, I.T suppliers, can also access your data.

 COSELVA has established contracts or contractual agreements and security measures with these third parties, to guarantee a suitable level of security and protection of personal data.


You can request access, rectification, deletion, limitation of treatment, portability and opposition to the processing of your data at any time. The registered user retains the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation of treatment, portability or opposition to the processing of their data by sending an email to  or a postal mail to C/ Major, 50, 43470 - LA SELVA DEL CAMP, accompanied by a document proving your identity, at all times.

Likewise, and in accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11th, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, you may, at any time, revoke the consent given for the reception of commercial communications. You can also contact the Spanish Agency for Data Protection ( if your rights and freedoms have been violated.


Basic identification data (name, surname, postal and electronic address, telephone number and NIF) as well as contact data are helf for the submission of proposals, commercial information and for billing (account number), if the client wishes direct debit. Specially protected data categories are not held. No information is deleted, unless the deletion is requested by the user and, if, this deletion is applicable. Information is always available, although it may be blocked for informational, marketing and / or commercial purposes, if the rights of withdrawal, limitation of treatment or opposition by the user have been exercised.


Access to the database is protected by username and password. In the case of authorised remote access, this is done through TeamViewer and using an SSL communication protocol.


COSELVA has adopted appropriate technical and organisational protection measures and these measures apply to data that could be affected by potential safety violations. There is no access to customer or user data by people who are not authorised to access them. If COSELVA identifies a breach of security of personal data that compromises its users, the competent authority will be notified within 72 hours and the users, if necessary, as soon as possible.


COSELVA - AGRÍCOLA I SECCIÓ DE CRÈDIT DE LA SELVA DEL CAMP, SCCL reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential changes. In these cases, COSELVA - AGRÍCOLA I SECCIÓ DE CRÈDIT DE LA SELVA DEL CAMP, SCCL will announce   the introduced changes in this reasonably before its implementation.


In accordance with Law 34/2002, from July 11th, of Services of the information Society and Electronic Commerce, COSELVA - AGRÍCOLA I SECCIÓ DE CRÈDIT DE LA SELVA DEL CAMP, SCCL does not execute Spam practices, so commercial emails that have not been previously requested or authorised by the user will not be sent. Consequently, in each form inserted in the web, the user has the possibility to give their consent to receive commercial information. COSELVA - AGRÍCOLA I SECCIÓ DE CRÈDIT DE LA SELVA DEL CAMP, SCCL undertakes not to send communications of a commercial purposes without identifying them properly.


Any controversy arising in the interpretation or execution of this Privacy Policy will be interpreted according to Spanish legislation. COSELVA and the user, reject any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them and submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Tarragona.


The sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited. When accessing the COSELVA website, an authorization is requested in the form of a PopUp.