Policy of Coselva
COSELVA defines its policy in three environments:
- Quality
- Social responsibility
- Respect for the environment
with the following commitments:
- In Mas del Victor field, we prioritize research, sustainability and teaching.
- Watch over the partner and customer interests.
- Beat the partner and customer expectations in a constant improvement environment.
- Fulfil with legal and obligatory requirements and customer requirements that we agree with them about innocuousness and quality of food.
- Promote and maintain a positive culture in food safety within the organization.
- Have the most suitable and best qualified staff to manage the company.
- Implement the necessary control techniques (HACCP, monitoring of facilities, ...) to guarantee innocuousness and the quality of the products.
- Transmit the following social values:
- Work in the economical development of our environment, giving a boost to carrying out a productive viable activity and sustainable for our partners and workers, and at the same time promote the use of social services and resources.
- Satisfy the needs of our customers with high quality products and services and watch over the confidentiality, the transparency and the privacy that our relation demands.
- Find alternatives to minimize the environmental impact that the operating activities can generate and promote that our partners cultivate their fields from a perspective of integrated production.
- Promote and take active part in the cultural and social local life.
- Create both internal and external communication in a fluent and agile way.
- Reject any kind of commercial activity, or of any other nature, in which directly or indirectly children work is promoted, as well as, the compulsory hard work and the breach of the human rights.
- Reject corruption and acceptance of suborns.
- Primacy of the person and the social aim for over of the capital.
- Undertake to free association in the same way our statutes establish it.
- Ethical living and working agree with our territorial values and the competition of free market and against of monopolistic practices.
- Create environmental work where workers, who are covered by the collective agreement, can develop their abilities, considering a framework of respect, equality, work safety and cleaning, just like the balance between the personal and labour life.
Date 20/12/2024 - C. E. O.
Annex II del Manual de Qualitat